Sunday, December 17, 2006

Step One

Hello and Welcome (again)

So to those of you to whom I have been a bad friend (bad me) and I have not kept in very close contact with and are wondering why you were sent this link, the short answer is: I'm going to London.

I am embarking on a 6 month (min) adventure to London, England where I will study Art, Design and Theatre at Goldsmiths College in New Cross London. (Feel free to visit!!) I will post an address as soon as I get one. I may find a job and stay for the summer, but I will at least be accross the pond until June.

Basically I wanted a way to keep in touch with everyone and to relay any stories or asventures I come accross and i was not satisfied with any of teh established means of internet communication. (Especially since I won't ahve internet inmy dorm.. or heat....) So if I manage to do anything exciting, I will write about it here in true blogger fashion... hopefully this won't make me completely lame, but calling each of you, while ultimately better as a himan being, is way to expensive. I am encouraging everyone to download skype which will be my verbal means of communication, but for the casual observer of my life, bookmark this page and check back often to see how I'm doing. :)

The Basics: I am home (in Chicago) now and I leave for Florida on teh 23rd, return to Chicago Jan 3rd and fly to London on the 4th, just in time to miss my orientation and registration before apparently starting classes on Friday the 5th.

I seem to have developed magnetic properties, so I am hoping no more of my electronics crash as I move freely about the world. Right now I am scared, nervous, anxious, excited, ansty, filled will eagerness and trepidation and all around freaked out by the whole ordeal. I want to go, I need to go, but at the same time i am going to miss everyone and be so much farther away than I have ever ran before. And no matter how far I go, my shadows travel with me (big bonus points to anyone who can find the whole quote) Part of me has been dragging my feet the whole time, waiting until the last minute to do important things like apply for a visa, but another part of me knows that I would fall apart if I wasn't able to go. It is tiem for me to get out of small-town Bethlehem and the whole US of A and see something and be something. I hope to relax and clear my mind so that I might finally be ready to make something of myself when I eventually come back. I have all the advice I have recieved packed in the back of my brain, even if I haven't even thought about how to pack my luggage. I have set everything in motion, now all I have to do is follow the course I have laid out, making slight alterations along the way. Well world, here I come

1 comment:

West Philly Runners said...

Our little girl is growing up :*)