Thursday, January 11, 2007

I hate Aim

So as promised, I posted last night's entry without editing it at all, or even reading it, so I don't really know what I said. Enjoy.
But by Lehigh standards I really didn't drink that much. Though according to a poster, so alcohol government organization says a girl should only have 2-3 units of alcohol PER DAY. And 4-5 for a boy. Now yes, I had more than that yesterday, but Lehigh kids get that in an hour, every hour. So I think that poster is crap ;) Go Lehigh! or something... I also think these Brits would be blown away by Lehigh style drinking. We totally drink way more than they do, even if we do have to do it illegally. I don't know if we should be proud of that, but I bet Lehigh would be.
Anyway, the reason for the post: for some reason AIM won't let me sign on on my laptop. I'm going to have to use the incredibly slow library comps with the sticky British keyboards (which are different). The macs here are like the PCs in the library at Lehigh: way overused and bogged down. Its so funny. I'm used to Mac labs being empty. Maybe I should try the PCs... So all of you should download Skype and just leave it on so I can IM you when I find internet. You can do normal chat just like AIM on it except I can actually log onto it. One bit of advice: set up security settings so that only people on your buddy list can IM you because I've gotten tones of creeps looking for a girl with a webcam and one person from Turkey who won't leave me alone. But if you restrict them I'll be able to talk to you, even just chat. So yeah.
Today has been slow. I got woken up at 9:30 this morning by someone who wanted to clean my window, which sucks cause I was going to sleep until 11:30. I was so confused by why someone kept knocking on my door. Ugh. But I wasn't hung over like everyone else (yeay for not getting hangovers) so it was ok. I went back to bed after he left. Then got up, showered, ate 'breakfast' and talked with the flatmates. I booked tickets to go see a bunch of shows! ::bounces:: I get to see theatre and I don't have to go alone cause 2 of my flatmates are Drama students. I'm seeing Twelfth Night, Wave (i don't know, they said it was good), Rocky Horror :), and Little Shop of Horrors so far. Yeay! Now I'm at the library getting internet. But not aim :( Tonight I'm going to pack (I leave for Paris tomorrow morning) and maybe go to High School Musical sing along if I can convince people to go or maybe out with the mates. Then Paris!! I feel so worldly! And Nyko has internet, so yeay for a better connection. Woot. Alright. That's all for now. As always.

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